viernes, 27 de abril de 2018

Importance of Geometry in Primary schools

The geometry is used in many aspects of our daily life although often we are not conscious of that. In this post I want to focus on the importance that has the Geometry in Primary education.

From very early age it is suitable to teach this matter on children to relate the space and the figures which takes part of their reality. The students can put in practise the direct observations of the space through the senses. Even, they can develop the spatial thinking while they are playing.
For these reasons, I believe that it is very important to work Geometry in primary due to:

1. The students can apply their geometry knowledge to their daily life
2. These knowledge will help them to be able to understand the daily language as could be for example; parallel streets, stairs in spiral, among other things.
3. It helps them to obtain a better understanding in other areas of mathematics.
4. It helps them to develop the perception of the space, the forms or the abstraction. Therefore it is also useful to develop the creativity of our students.

It has a particular relevance to bear in mind that all the points mentioned above will not be successful if teacher does not foster their motivation an encourage them to have an enquiring mind.

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